Twelve Tribes - Talking about the upcoming album and more...
Twelve Tribes, a band that plays music which could be described best as melodic-metalcore. Though, it’s not exactly that. Well, whatever it really is that this band plays, they definitely fit on the bill with 36 Crazyfists. And that’s where it’s all about right?! A band that fits the headliner normally deserves a lot of respect from the crowd. And so we were really looking forward to see these bands playing. Before the show we had the opportunity to ask some questions to Shane Shook, drummer of Twelve Tribes.
Hey, how are you?
Fine, how are you doing?
We’re doing great! What’s it like to share the stage with From First To Last and especially 36 Crazyfists?
Well, it’s the first time we’re touring with From First To Last and unfortunately their singer is ill so I’ve never seen the band playing like they normally do. But 36 Crazyfists, we’ve toured with them before together with Kittie and Candiria. So, we were really looking forward to come over here, we’re really good friends. Just to hang out with them is always great.
What do you think of the European crowds? Is it the same as in the US or are there very clear differences between them?
It’s better for bands like us here in Europe. I mean, in the US the crowds are cool but when we come over here, the crowds really respond to us. Of course we hit certain spots in America, but mostly here in Europe.
Can you tell something more about the history of the band? I mean like: How did you guys met each other and how did you come up with the name Twelve Tribes?
I actually was the third drummer in the band. But I knew Kevin, who’s our guitarist now, he used to play drums. So he quit, then I joined them, then I quit and then I came back again. But as far as the name, it’s just something you come up with at a particular moment. There’s not a real story behind it.
And how did land at Ferret Music?
Adam and Andrew were really good friends with Carl (head of Ferret Music) and they kept in contact. And ehm…Ferret just looked after us and they gave us the opportunity to be on their label.
What made you decide to get behind the drum kit?
That’s something I was born with. I was always kinda like tapping and beating on things. I just had a fascination for drums at a very young age. And I really enjoy playing in bands so that was an easy decision for me.
What are your main influences, musically and lyrically speaking?
Musically…that’s such a wide range. Like when I was younger I listened to Metallica, And Justice For All and stuff like that. But now I can listen to bands like The Mars Volta and Queens Of The Stone Age. Just good music played by intelligent bands. But I actually enjoy all kinds of music.
Lyrically speaking is a bit more difficult. I mean, the lyrics are written by Adam and I really like them. They deal with certain topics like being an individual. It’s not necessarily about things that happen in our lives and stuff like that.
So, if you had to describe Twelve Tribes in one sentence, how would you do that?
Twelve Tribes in one sentence? Ehm…I would say: ‘very loud and very strong’.
If I’m correct, you re-added two founding members of the band after a while to create a bit of a new none-melodic Metalcore sound, what made you think that these two guys would make that change?
Well, I’ve always wanted to play in the period I wasn’t in Twelve Tribes anymore. And like I said I loved Adams lyrics, and the guitar playing of Kevin and Andrew were just very attractive to come back and play with those guys again. And because of the fact we all knew each other before; it was like we all had a common goal. We all just knew what we wanted to achieve.
Your last album, ‘The Rebirth Of Tragedy’, was released last year, why did you pick this title?
For each individual it can be something different. Like for instance, the bandmembers coming back together after quitting. Or like the band has gone through a lot of member changes. And so you can look at the band as a rebirth of tragedy as something good that comes out of being together again. But besides this, the title deals with everyday issues as well.
I’ve read that it took you almost 2 years to finish this album, what took you so long?
There was really no pressure to do something. We just sad at home, playing music, write some new material, playing shows in the weekends. This was actually before our record deal with Ferret. And from that moment on, we were writing more. But most important is that we just took our time and made sure this album was going to be a great one.
Do you think that the upcoming album will take 2 years again? Or is it going to be released sooner this time?
No, it’s definitely not going to last 2 years again. We’re gonna try to record the album early next year so it’ll come out in the summer, maybe fall of next year.
What’s your favorite song of the album? Why this one?
Well, there’s songs that I can listen to and songs that I enjoy playing. But a song I like to listen to is for instance ‘Flight of the Pathogen’, the very last song on the CD. It’s just a really long, good song.
Playing wise, I really enjoy ‘Post Replica’. It’s just like a really upbeat song. And I also like ‘The Train Bridge’ a lot.
Can you describe the process the band has been gone through, after the release of ‘The Rebirth Of Tragedy’?
Well, after the release we’ve toured ever since. We’ve toured in the States. We had a lot of contact with Ferret Music and we went on tour with Kittie and 36 Crazyfists. And we even went on tour with Soulfly, which was great for me as a big fan. But basically it’s just constant touring. That’s all we gotta do you know, just tour and try to reach as many people as possible.
If possible, please tell us something more about the upcoming album?
The upcoming album is gonna be more geared towards playing. Like on the last album, we weren’t really playing a lot. And we’re trying to be more direct with the new songs. That’s also better when you’re playing them live.
So, have you already got some new material?
Yes, we started working on it and we already have 3 or 4 songs. But like I said, now we’re doing it between the touring but we’ll take some time off for our new album. Now it’s just writing on tour and when we take some time off, we’re actually gonna play it.
But are we gonna hear any stuff tonight?
Nope, everything tonight is of the CD. So, no new stuff yet. Maybe next time.
What would you like to achieve with Twelve Tribes in the future?
I would like to be able continue touring. To tour other places besides the US and Europe. Just everywhere we can. And I’d like to have people to receive it well. Just to get appreciation for what you do.
So, the collaboration between Roadrunner Records and Ferret Music must be a positive thing for you right?
Yeah definitely! Everyone’s treating us really good, really nice. And there were even two guys from Ferret who actually came over to our show in London last week so that’s really great.
That was our final question, anything left to say to the readers of
Thanks for checking us out! I hope you enjoy the CD as much as we had fun making it. Come up to the shows and have a good time with us!
Thank you very much for your time and good luck with the show tonight!
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