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Sinamore - Some words from Sinamore
I had the chance to mail some questions to Sinamore. A great melodic metal band from Finland. (so don't bother the grammar of the anwsers :) )

- I had never heard of Sinamore before. Can you give us a short description of what Sinamore is all about? For those who are not (yet) familiar with you.
The band was formed in -98 by three childhood friends and first it was like having a good time together. Couple of years later we started to compose our own material and Tommi joined us in -02 as a second guitar player. After our fifth “demo” we changed the name to Sinamore. We don´t like to put our music into any strict category, some may call it “goth” some may call it something else. The thing that´s most clear is that when you hear our music you probably know where we´re from. I think you could say that we are messengers of the new generation of Finnish popular music.

- Does the name Sinamore have a special meaning?
Not exactly. It was Tommi´s  own vision. Weird combination of words and letters. Everyone can make their own opinions.
- Your song titles sound pretty heavy with words like darkness, cry, fallen, misery, drama and regret in it. Is there a special story or message behind ‘A New Day’?
Dark thoughts; loneliness, yearning, like wisdoms of darkness. It´s more easier to write around those kind of themes than happiness and joy. But even we write about those things. It´s very important to remember that life´s not always full of disappointments.
- I listened to your music and it seems you all are quite sure about what you like to play. Why this love for especially this kind of music?
I always liked to listen to music. When I was a teenager, I listened to bands like Metallica, WASP and Twisted Sister. Music had always been a very important thing for me in life. It is just a great feeling to make and play music together.
- Did you experiment with different styles before recording this record?
Not really. I´ve always been very close to a more heavier genre and since we recorded our first demo in -99,  melancholic and deppressive style was quite clear for us.
- Your music is very consequent. With that I mean (I think) you stick to one style of metal. Why not more variation in the style of music that you play?
Simply the best, I think that´s the right line for this question. If you write a song that´s easy to listen to and the base is filled with depressive melodies what creates a melancholic atmosphere in the song, it´s very very beautiful for your ears. The song has to touch you in some level somehow. Not only fast crushing guitar riffs, don´t you think?
- When I listened to your album, it kind of reminded me of HIM. From which bands do you get your inspiration? Or which bands/artists influenced you?
I have to admit we have lot of Finnish influences in our music. But I don´t know... this is our first record and I hope that in the future we still would have a chance to create music with an own unique sound. One step before the other. I do listen to Finnish bands like Sentenced and HIM.
- Today there are about a million music style definitions. From yellow-blues-porno-rock to indie-house-melo-grind to trashy-love-metal-core to gothic-disco-jazz and every mix you can imagine…J
I’ll save myself the trouble and will ask you: How would you describe your music (style)?
Dark rockin´ melancholic metal ...if I really have to put it in words : )
- With your album ‘A New Day’ on the background I dreamed away thinking I was on an big field of green grass somewhere midsummer in the highlands of Scotland with a big old castle behind me. Is that strange? What kind of feeling do you try to give people with your music?
I´ve heard we sound very deppressive... they are quite right. If we can touch someone through the music, it´s most important that I could imagine. And we already did that with you... that´s a good start :)
- And my last question: Do you guys have a special goal with Sinamore?
We all have dreamed since the beginning that someday we could make our living with music. Many more recordings and touring together... you´ll never know.

Thanks a lot for this interview and all the best with the band!


Details Written on 2006-01-29
Writer @Maurits

Tags: #Sinamore