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Eagles Of Death Metal - Making Little Richard proud
Actually I just wanted to see Eagles Of Death Metal because I reviewed their last disc Death By Sexy…, which was highly entertaining. And when I noticed that The Spores were added to the line-up I knew for sure I was going. And why not do an interview with both bands as well, to make it even harder on myself. I was confronted with an already stoned Jesse Hughes who didn’t really feel like doing this interview judging from his short answers. And for a change, there is a tremendous amount of annoying background noise. No matter, here’s the result of a very short conversation.
So where did this idea for Eagles Of Death Metal come from?
‘From the depths of hell! Hahaha. From Little Richard’s asshole!! Haha, no I’m just kidding.’
I don’t mind, I like such answers. By who is it originated then?
‘I write all the songs, but it’s me and Josh Homme.’
How do you deliver Death By Sexy?
‘Death By Sexy is an attitude, it’s like being born again. Being slain in the spirit of sexy. Every sex can slay by sexy.’
You think so?
‘I know so.’
Haha, does it also involve beards and moustaches?
‘Certainly! Doc Holiday baby! You wanna be a cowboy a little bit. It’s about taking your masculinity serious enough to take femininity seriously too.’
Very deep! So who are Queen Bee and Baby Duck?
Joshua Homme and Brody Dalle.’
But they are the king and queen?
‘Well yeah, they’re my friends and I think their romance is such a fairytale, that I wrote a fairytale about the king and queen of rock ‘n’ roll man. Which to me, they are. And they look like a big baby duck and a queen bee.’
Okay, sounds obvious. What can you tell us about your DVD By Sexy?
‘It’s basically a documentary about two good friends having the time of their life caught on video. That’s really what it is. Is not so much a rock DVD as it is a movie made by Liam Lynch. And it’s wonderful. It’s shits ‘n’ giggles all the way ‘til the end.’
About Josh Homme, what exactly does he contribute to the band, because I know he used to drum…
‘He still drums, he’s my eternal partner and he’s the producer of the band as well. He’s the one that makes it sound less like another mainstream rip-off. And a couple of songs I let him play the guitar.’
You let him play the guitar? That’s nice of you.
‘Yeah that was nice of me.’
So what is the last concert you went to and/or actually paid for?
‘Uhm, let’s see. The Raconteurs maybe?’
Oh yeah, how was that ? Did they do that Nancy Sinatra cover?
‘Yeah, they did. It was nice and heavy.’
In movies, who do you prefer; Arnold Schwarzenegger or Sylvester Stallone?
‘Arnold Schwarzenegger. And in politics I also prefer Arnold Schwarzenegger. I loooove the Governator!
What’s you favourite movie then?
The Quiet Man with Kate Danaher and John Wayne.
No no, favourite Arnold Schwarzenegger movie!
Favourite Schwarzenegger movie, whooo… I like Pumping Iron, and I still like Conan The Barbarian and Conan The Destroyer. Red Sonja, Red Heat, The Terminator, 2, 3, all that shit.
Lovely brainless entertainment.
‘It’s not supposed to make you boast at somebody, it’s supposed to entertain you. That’s why they call it entertainment, hehe.’
Do you own any death metal albums?
‘Yeah I like Dimmu Borgir.
That’s more like black metal.
‘Ah that’s all death to me. Either it sounds like Black Sabbath Volume 4, or it doesn’t.’
So is that the only band you really like?
‘I like, Vader. I like Cannibal Corpse. I don’t know where they fall in, but I like them. Morbid Angel.
Do you know Immolation?
‘Yes, a friend of mine really loves them, that’s some cool shit.’
Okay, so what are the future plans for Eagles Of Death Metal then?
‘We’re gonna record a new album when we’re done with this tour. We’ll release that and tour on that. And we’re re-releasing Death By Sexy as well, with extra stuff on it.
Do you have anything to add to this interview?
‘I just wanna make Little Richard proud. And ladies, I love you.’
Okay man, thanks a lot.
‘Yeah man, thank you!’
Details Written on 2007-03-13
Writer @DemonDust

Tags: #Eagles Of Death Metal
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