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Inhume - Blabbering about the new album and stuff
[i][b]At the concert of Friday November the 28th Roel (drums) and Loek (bass) were kind enough to answer a couple of questions I had for them.[/b][/i] [b]it took you guys three years to release �In For The Kill�. Why was that?[/b] Roel: First of all because I�ve been away for a while. And when I came back we played a lot of shows so we kind of forgot to go into the studio which was under construction. The studio kept postponing the date of completion time after time so finally we decided to look for another studio to record the album. At the other studio we could be squeezed in somewhere where we could finally record the album. Loek: Yeah due to circumstances like performances, making new tracks, the studio not being ready� Roel: We aren�t the fastest with making new tracks anyway so� Loek: Adding up to that is the fact that we would release the album early this year but due to the record company another year was added. It is now actually a year ago that the album was recorded. [b]Kind of Slayer-releasing style huh?[/b] Roel: Well, you don�t have to release a new album every year. One-and-a-half to two years is ideal, yeah, you can work on it without stress and when it�s finished it�s finished. Loek: Yeah but three years is a really long time and we�ve been into the studio this summer again but we�ll have to see where that ends, because things like performances do slow things down a bit. We shall see. [b]How are the reactions in general about the album?[/b] Roel: Or really really good or really really bad. Haha! [b]The people who think it�s really bad must be the people that don�t listen to this kind of music huh?[/b] Roel: Yeah the people that don�t listen to it or who don�t come from this scene. They think it�s a lot of noise and misery. But I rather like it if they say that instead of saying �oh yeah, sounds okay�. [b]Yeah, when saying that your actually not saying anything.[/b] Roel: Yeah I do prefer if they say it sucks or it rocks. Loek: Yeah, it�s good or bad, not something in between. [b]Well, I find your music very cool. About the cover of the album, who designed it because I really dig that picture?[/b] Roel: Ren� Bosma, he has also done a cover for a God Dethroned album, that�s were I knew him from. The guy that normally draws stuff for us, Michel Baas, he wanted to do it but he couldn�t do it due to his work circumstances. So I thought, hey Ren� Bosma, let give that guy a call. [b]Well I find it a very cool cover.[/b] Roel: Yeah he makes stuff that you don�t expect and does something different than any other band would do so on that area we do attract attention. I had I�m on the phone a while ago and he said he read a review and said that normally you don�t hear anything about the cover in a review but with our CD they did and he really appreciated that. [b]Is there a thought behind the picture?[/b] Roel: Yeah the title of the CD, In For The Kill. Loek: Just a character killing a lot of people [b]You now have a new vocalist, Dorus, how did that come to be, how did the old one leave?[/b] Loek: Well, due to circumstances, recording and creating songs, Johan and his work and stuff. We decided that we had to talk about this as a band, and we decided to let it come to an end, and yeah well, he�s still been in the band for eight years and you don�t do that for no reason. Roel: Yeah we were more motivated than him most of the times, even during rehearsals, we put all our effort in it and he was like, �I cant make it� or �I don�t feel like it� and you notice that as a band. And after the recordings we said to him that we had to talk and he said �yeah I quit�. If he can come with us he still comes so� He�s still a good friend of ours. Loek: Absolutely. [b]But the new one, Dorus, pleases you all?[/b] Loek: Yes, I�ve known Dorus quite some time from his hardcore bands and from going out. He�s was the first person I thought about. An energetic person that is motivated as well. Maybe not like Johan, but we still asked him for a try-out, he responded very enthusiastic. In a couple of months we could talk about what we wanted to do as a band and what he thought of it and up until now it has worked out fine. Just one massive piece of power and energy, just like Joost. Freaking on stage and that�s something you can use well. Roel: He had learned the songs really fast for the performances, so that�s really perfect. [b]You�ve done two tours now, how did you enjoy that?[/b] Roel: Yes, at the start of this year we did a little tour of a week-and-a-half which was very cool of course. You get to know each other a bit better. And then with the other tour of three weeks went perfect, with the other bands as well. I�ve had a great time on it. [b]Yes I saw you in the beginning of this year with Vile, Mangled, Spawn Of Possession and Disavowed in Venlo in Perron 55.[/b] Loek: Oh yeah that was a try-out for us for the tour, Mangled played as well then too. Mangled has been to Germany, Poland and Czech Republic with that tour and we got on board in France I believe. Roel: Yes, we went to Spain and Portugal from there. [b]How are the reactions in those countries?[/b] Loek: Well, you hear other people say that the people in Spain are insane and they totally freak out. But in general I�ve noticed nothing about that. Roel: The first time in France nobody knew about us but the second time people were flying around everywhere. I had to straighten my drumkit several times because of the insane crowd. Loek: There was this one performance where I thought that the entire backline and everything else would be destroyed. With some luck we were abled to catch a Marshall tower because it just fell down. Roel: The crowd was totally freaking out! [b]Very enthusiastic you might say�[/b] Roel: Yes the tour with Exhumed and Cephalic Carnage was very good. Especially Germany was good because they are not so grindcore-minded over there. Very cool indeed. That�s how you notice that people are slowly starting to know you. Loek: We had an average crowd of 180 people a day, which you cant complain about with such extreme bands. Roel: Yeah, the Exodus tour had something like that too, maybe 200 people. Loek: Yes, and they were supposed to have a minimum of 500 people. Roel: But they had the wrong management behind it so� [b]Do you have any ideas or a name for your upcoming record which you�ll record next year?[/b] Loek: No we haven�t been busy with that yet. We have suggested some ideas for what to do with the next album but there hasn�t been any producing of ideas yet. Ideas can change you know. Roel: We do have some new tracks for it. One old song from a demo �Hate/Kill Just For Fun�, we made that a little bit more extreme than it was. And were working on three songs now. [b]Are you trying something new or will it be the normal brutal stuff?[/b] Loek: It will be the follow-up for the last one, just like the last one was the follow-up for the first one. Roel: I do start to notice that there is more variety on the last one and there hopefully will be more on the next one. It�s still 30 to 45 minutes of brutal violence and after that you�re exhausted. The crowd has that as well, there are getting pounded to death on live concerts. They think �that�s it for me, I�m going home� and we don�t wont that to happen. Loek: We try to put a lot of variety in the songs, but for us a song is finished when we think �this song is finished�. And if that song is very fast we don�t put something in it to get that variety. Look, we want to have variety, but sometimes it�s just undo-able. Roel: Well if you only make fast songs like that, you only get all fast songs, haha. Loek: There are some gentler parts in it but some way it still turns out very fast. [b]I think the variety comes out rather well on In For The Kill.[/b] Roel: Yes? Loek: Yes? [b]Certainly, you can really find the parts where it�s a bit more gentler and the fucking heavy parts.[/b] Loek: It�s like, sometimes you want to make a gentler part, but it doesn�t turn out that way, you cant help it. [b]But you have to remember that it�s still grindcore.[/b] Loek: Yes but grindcore can still have gentle parts in it. So you see as a band but as crowd as well, that there something else in the music too. Roel: But it�s wanting to play the style correctly that makes a lot of the songs so fast. And sometimes that�s a good thing and sometimes it isn�t. [b]Last question, I�ve been nosing around in the lyrics a bit and�[/b] Roel: Oh god! Hahaha, they are very bad. [b]How do you get the ideas for them?[/b] Roel: Joost has written all the lyrics for In For The Kill. On the first album we all wrote lyrics togheter. [b]It says in the CD that all lyrics and music is by Inhume.[/b] Roel: Well you make the stuff all together. He can make a guitar riff, or maybe I will, everybody does something. He plays a riff and I make up a drum part, you�re doing it together. You�re a band together or you�re not. I mean, we don�t have to do it for the royalties, haha. Loek: Everybody is allowed to write lyrics for the band and on this album that didn�t happen. With the next CD we plan to do that again. Also in connection with the things that are brought up on this album, which we don�t all support. But it�s fun, it�s extreme, what the hell. Roel: Some lyrics can be understood wrongfully tough. Loek: Were not going to say to Joost that he cant write such lyrics anymore, it�s brutal, it�s extreme and if you don�t like it you write a song yourself. Its still going to be extreme, wither its got to do with reality or fiction that doesn�t matter. It only has to be extreme. [b]I did find one funny one though. Blood Orgy on 7Th street. About killing hippies.[/b] Loek: Kind of a song with a smile you might say. Roel: If you take that serious� Loek: The fun thing is, on tour with Exhumed and Cephalic Carnage, the singer/guitarist from Exhumed lives on 7Th street so we would dedicate that song to him which was pretty fun. [b]Well, that was it, thanks for the interview and I�ll drink one with you later.[/b] Roel: Yes thank you too. Loek: Yes thanks. [b][i] Interview taken and worked out by Demondust[/b][/i]