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Morbid Angel - Death Metal Legends
[b]Imagine. You can do an interview with the singer of your favourite band. My favourite band all time is Morbid Angel. I even use the name Morbid Angel in my nickname overhear. When I'm driving in my car people get scared because Morbid Angel is blasting out of my stereo. So last Sunday it was my day. I went to the 013 in Tilburg met Steve Tucker and enjoyed a great show. It's a honour to meet you. Morbid Angel is a part of my life so this interview has a personal touch for me.[/b] [i]Yeah, really? It's a honour to meet you to.[/i] [b]You�ve recorded 7 albums at Morrissound, Why did you record Heretic in the D.O.W. studios?[/b] [i]Because like you said, we�ve recorded 7 albums at Morrissound and I think, you know, sometimes doing the same thing over and over again gets boring. We wanted to do something different. You know, we wanted to do things a little rawer. The material on this record is much rawer, much old skool with some new elements but its definitely have some old elements from precious albums. We want to do something a little bit different, go with the rawer production like that. We could have done it at Morrisound but doing things over and over get bored. We don�t have nine till five jobs, we�re musicians, we like to be creative, we like to work in a creative atmosphere, so that why we choose D.O.W.[/i] [b]Are you satisfied with the result of Heretic?[/b] [i]Yeah, I mean as far as I concern, I mean I like production a little more polished than Trey. He likes thing a little rawer. I think we are somewhere in between. The vocals are a little more polished, a lot of the other stuff is a little more raw. Its somewhere between, there are element that I would like to see different on it, but there are always element on every record that never leaves you a 100% satisfied. If anyone tells you they are satisfied 100% they�re lying to you, you always hear things that you can change. Always.[/i] [b]The albums of Morbid Angel are always good records, does that give you pressure while recording a new album?[/b] [i]No because I think that Morbid Angel writes Morbid Angel records and its going to sound like Morbid Angel. If you like Morbid Angel you�re going to like the stuff. I mean, we play death metal, we�re glad we play death metal, and death metal isn�t there for everyone and we understand that. All we do is write Morbid Angel songs, that�s what this band is al always will be you know. Everything we do is Morbid Angel and our fans like it. A lot of times Morbid Angel records are weird because a lot of times when you hear it the first time you don�t necessarily get 100%. The more you hear it the better it gets to you and you like it for ten years later.[/i] [b]On your previous tours you�ve been supporting the new album, how do the fans pick up the album?[/b] [i]This is our first European tour supporting Heretic and it seems like they like it. Its always a little different when you play a new song. It seems like everything doing well, the records sales are really good, a lot of people know the songs. That�s a good thing[/i] [b]What do you expect from this tour?[/b] [i]I expect the same thing I always expect. I expect it will be great. We see lots of people we didn�t see a long time since the last time we were in Europe, really great crowds, I don�t think we come out and grow or something. We�re just out and supporting our new record for Morbid Angel fans. That�s what it is al about. [/i] [img][/img] [b]Steve Tucker[/b] [b]What is the highlight of your career?[/b] [i]Euhm.. The last time I�ve played Tilburg was fucking amazing. We did some arena shows in the United States that were great, but to be honest it wasn�t really a Morbid Angel crowd. As far as the highlight goes there are a lot of them. Everytime when I walk off stage and I thin �That was great� it�s a highlight. There are a lot of highlights, a lot of great things that happened. It�s a living dream, I can play music for living and tour the world. Its fucking great, what else can I ask for, You know.[/i] [b]What is the biggest inspiration for Morbid Angel?[/b] [i]I say just spirituality, the idea of spirituals, of always trying to grow, that�s the main influence. That�s makes Morbid Angel to do what we do and write things that we write. Always growing and always learning. One of the detractors from the religions is the fact that you don�t really have the room to grow, you have to follow their setup rules, that�s it, you don�t think outside of that box. With Morbid Angel we totally think outside that box, we�re always growing, always learning, always experiencing with new ideas and stuff. It�s a great thing.[/i] [b]Is there something else apart from Morbid Angel that you enjoy?[/b] [i]Musically? I like al lot different music and I played a lot of music and stuff, butt Morbid Angel is my main priority. It takes a lot to be in Morbid Angel. A lot of time and energy.[/i] [b]Will Morbid Angel ever employee a second guitar player outside of touring?[/b] [i]I don�t know. These are one of those things I can�t say. It may happen it may not. Tony is a great guitarplayer. He gets along with everybody in the band incredibly well. Its not one of the thing we sit down and discus about it.[/i] [b]How far down the alphabet do you predict Morbid Angel making it?[/b] [i]I have no predictions at all. Only time will tell. We keep going as long its honest. When its not true or honest we stop. That�s an important thing, but I think I will have to be an old man to make the alphabet.[/i] [b]Anything left to say for you?[/b] [i]It�s good to be back in the Netherlands, we love playing here, we love playing Tilburg. Just good to be here, good to be on tour and see the fans and friends. That�s it. Cheers.[/i] [b] Thank you very much for this interview and as I already said it was an honour to meet you![/b] [i]Thank you to and it was an honour for me to[/i]