Zonaria - A short chit-chat with Simon Berglund
Hi, how are you?‘Hi. Well I’m very tired actually. Just escaped from the venue where we got locked in. Sitting in the bus outside Helsinki.’
Please introduce yourself and your band to the people unfamiliar with Zonaria.
‘This is Simon. Yeah we play metal of the darker school. Kinda cool.’
How’d you come up with the name Zonaria and what does it mean (to you)?
‘It’s the path to the throne of Zeus in Greek mythology.’
You guys started at a rather young age, do you feel like it’s harder for young guys like you to ‘settle’ in the big scene? Why (not)?
‘Yeah sometimes you take a lot of crap because of your age but it’s not hard to overcome it. I think young bands do a great job and really deserve as much success as older bands.’
Both lyrically and musically; what are you influenced by?
‘All kinds of metal, soundtracks and classical music. For lyrics I take a lot of inspiration from society.’
Now that you have signed with Century Media, are you happy with how things are going? Why (not)?
‘Yeah things are all good from their side. I’m real excited about the release.’
So, about your new album, how are the reactions so far?
‘We get good reactions from all possible places and people, so it’s great.’
The Cancer Empire, it’s quite a heavy name for an album I think. How did you come up with that?
‘It’s inspired from today’s society. We like iconic titles, haha.’
How were the recordings for the album?
‘Stressy and too short. Never got the real time to chill and look it through.’
In order to promote your album more, any touring plans confirmed yet? If so, please share ‘em with us!
‘Yeah check our website. We got a lot of touring coming up through Europe! With Satyricon and one with Deicide.’
If you could pick a support act, which band would you choose and why?
‘Sybreed from Switzerland, I think they’re the greatest band on the planet. Best musicians and the best people.’
A while ago I heard someone saying that all (or at least a lot of) Scandinavian bands are subsidised by the government for creating music (art/culture). What can you tell us about that?
‘Yeah we get money for playing music but it’s not that much. We use our money to pay for rehearsal places haha.’
What goals would you like to achieve with Zonaria and what are you willing to give up for that?
‘I’ve already quit my job so I’m in this now. I want to live of my music eventually of course. And I speak for every member on that one.’
Some short questions then. Answer without too much thinking.
Beer or weed?
Zonaria or family?
‘Bros before hoes.’
Supporting Dimmu Borgir or supporting Arch Enemy?
‘Dimmu without a doubt.’
Two national dates with Dimmu Borgir or a world tour with Metallica?
‘Haha, Metallica is my fav band so that one for sure.’
Playing crappy venues in the US or tour good venues in Europe?
‘Venues in Europe.’
One more stupid question then; In movies who do you prefer? Arnold Schwarzenegger or Sylvester Stallone, why?
‘Arnold forever. Predator is the best movie ever made.’
Well that was my final question, do you have anything left to say to our readers? Please do so now!
‘Check out our dates and show up for some moshing and beer.’
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