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The Lucifer Principle, Portall - Another release party
The last time I visited Mindsaver’s hometown for a gig was back in 2007, when The Lucifer Principle (TLP) presented their debut album to the audience. One-and-a-half year later I again visited Apeldoorn for, once again, a release party of TLP. Unfortunately there weren’t the international big names to support them tonight (read: Devildriver and God Forbid), but nonetheless it turned out to be a fun night of death metal.

This time the support came from the local band Portall. This death metal band recently released their new album Code Black and I read some good things about it on the net. Live they couldn’t totally convince me though. The elements I loved were the high energy-level of the band, the guitar solos and the way the drummer hit his kit. Furthermore it was just a nice opening act for TLP and nothing more. They don’t play innovating music, they don’t play what’s done before better and after more than thirty minutes it just becomes dreary.
Mindsaver was very positive about TLP’s previous release show, but I must confess I couldn’t agree to that. Back then I left the venue in the middle of their set, because it bored the hell out of me. I wasn’t impressed by their songs and their stage performance also didn’t do it for me. Tonight it was the total opposite though. From the moment they entered the stage they grabbed me by the throat and didn’t let go until they were finished. Okay, they loosened their grip when after just one song  the drum pedal broke down, but they soon gained control again. Until this moment I still haven’t heard any studio material of these guys, but they definitely have evolved in a positive direction. I assume it’s time for me to pick up their latest record. Can’t imagine it will disappoint me after seeing what they’re capable of!