State:Chaos, Seita, As Shadows Arise - Stating Chaos in the South
What does the average metalhead do on a Friday night? Well, in my case it’s get drunk, listen to metal and party! Here we go with another nice set of metal bands in the Dirty South, or the Azijnfabriek in Roermond to be exact.
Opening tonight was the German metalcore band As Shadows Arise. They were actually a last minute replacement for The Lucifer Principle, who seemed to be assholes and just accepted another gig for this day, somewhere that paid them more. So much for making music for the scene huh. Anyways, As Shadows Arise has the same line-up composition as Despised Icon, and this was also the sound they tried to reach. Unfortunately the band wasn’t tight, original, or interesting at all. In fact they kind of made me laugh, and when some stupid poser kids started to mosh I was almost in tears of comedy overdose. I will not be checking these guys out again soon, that’s for sure.
Up next was Seita, who were incredibly late for this show. And instead of getting on stage in a hurry and play music, they just took it easy as fuck, making sure the schedule got fucked up even more. When they finally did began to play their South-America metal music (read: a mixture of Sepultura, Slayer, Pantera, Motörhead and Metallica), they couldn’t really cut it for me anymore. The foundation of the music, the drums, was not tight at all, which is bad if you play metal as you know. Overall they got a reasonably good crowd response, but I think it was more due to the booze then because of their awesome play. I didn’t really like this band the first time I saw them and after tonight, nothing has changed.
State:Chaos, if you like thrash metal you’re at a good address here. These guys always manage to impress me and put a smile on my face each time I see them play. Tonight was the second time with newly recruited drummer Richie (from Model 101 of course!) and the first time I would see him in action with this band. And believe me folks, it was dynamite! I had the feeling that the songs were played a bit faster in average, and especially the footwork behind the drums had taken up speed, and I mean a lot of speed. Definitely an improvement compared ot their previous drummer Martijn, who now is kicking ass with Cliteater. State:Chaos played all the songs of their upcoming album and even ended up playing one song twice because they didn’t have any other songs to do an encore with. All in all again another nice show from these thrashers. Check them out of you have the chance!
Written on Sunday Oct 25th, 2009
Writer @DemonDust
Tags: #State:Chaos #Seita #As Shadows Arise
Writer @DemonDust
Tags: #State:Chaos #Seita #As Shadows Arise
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