Roadburn 2013 - The Afterburner
After three days of awesome performances, chats with people from all over the world, buying way to much vinyl and drinking “a couple” beers it was already time for the Afterburner. Just like the last editions the festival switched from multiple venues to 2 rooms in the 013. Both Maurice van der Heijden (MvdH) and Gerard Gilles (GG) did still have enough energy to go and see the last couple of bands.
All pictures by Paul Verhagen (Achrome Moments) -
The Afterburner is always the time to calm things down but not in the Green Room. Diagonal stepped out and the Doom Metal of Pallbearer stepped in for a second time. The Arkansas boys felt way more comfortable on the smaller stage. The brooding and sweaty Doom Metal with killer grooves was even better than on Thursday. The songs from the debut even had better vocals than a few days before. I was happy I could see the doom of Pallbearer once again on their second and last show in Europe. (Mvd)

The studio project Nihill crawled out of their bunkers and collected some fellow soldiers to bring hell on earth for the first time on a stage. Before the apocalypse really took over 013 a mixture of doom, ambient, noise and a demonic priest is screaming and creating hate before +10 minutes of chaotic fast black metal riffs including a never ending blast brought hate and violence. The somewhat out of range drums only adds more fuel to the fire. The storming rage is continued and is laying 013 further in ruins. This must have been the soundtrack when the Germans bombed Rotterdam. A pile of smoking ash and concrete is what’s left. (Mvd)
The chilling krautrock of Neu! and Harmonia (played by original member Michael Rother) is like a welcome sunshine. Monotone, psychedelic and repeating rhythms put your exhausted body on the steps of the main hall. It’s the perfect moment to think about the best weekend of the year and its highlights. (Mvd)
The main reason I bought a 4-day ticket instead of a 3-day one was Spiritual Beggars. With a new album called Earth Blues this Swedish band around guitarist Michael Ammot (Carcass, Arch Enemy) toured through Europe and I’m very glad with their presence at this Afterburner. With a combination of material from their new record, some old classic tunes and some nice jams they got me from start to finish. Their sound is deeply rooted in the 70s, but they do give it a modern twist from time to time. Especially their hammond-like synthesizer sound is something I can really appreciate. Furthermore I was a bit skeptical about the new frontman, hadn’t seen him live before, but he also did a great job. The audience wasn’t really in the mood for much interaction, but he kept trying and in the end he did won them over. Too bad Ammot spends so much time with Arch Enemy, because I would love to hear and see this more often. (GG)

Supporting Spiritual Beggars on their European tour Zodiac also had the honor to play the last slot of this edition’s main stage. With A Bit Of Devil they released a killer debut album with a nice 70s rock vibe at the end of last year. And although it was pretty quiet in front of the stage they didn’t seem to mind and just brought their catchy tunes with enough enthusiasm for me to sing and head bang the whole 45 minutes. Closing their set with the strong and beautiful ‘Coming Home’ was furthermore a good choice musically, but that title also perfectly described Roadburn as a whole. This festival all in all feels like being in love, like lying in a warm bath, like… Coming home! (GG)
To be crushed for one final time and leave the afterburner in the right manner the Swedes of Switchblade played their last album in a pretty packed Green Room. The emptiness between the chords and drums are in balance and are an equal part of their sound what makes the band one of kind. With keyboards an extra layer is brought into the cold instrumental doom. In the last song the screams from Kongh’s singer added another element in the almost lifeless form of Doom Metal. The collapsing buildings as visuals symbolize the decaying state of the music and our bodies after four days of THE RIFF. (Mvd)
Click here fot the review of Roadburn 2013, day 1!
Click here fot the review of Roadburn 2013, day 2!
Click here fot the review of Roadburn 2013, day 3!
Click here fot the review of Roadburn 2013, day 1!
Click here fot the review of Roadburn 2013, day 2!
Click here fot the review of Roadburn 2013, day 3!
Written on Friday Apr 26th, 2013
Writer @Gilles
Tags: #roadburn #stoner #doom #tilburg #013 #pallbearer #sigh #nihill #michael rother #spiritual beggars #ihshan #leprous #zodiac #switchblade,
Writer @Gilles
Tags: #roadburn #stoner #doom #tilburg #013 #pallbearer #sigh #nihill #michael rother #spiritual beggars #ihshan #leprous #zodiac #switchblade,
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