Deftones from California is doing a festival run in Europe and also has the time to do a few club shows. In a packed 013 the temperature easily rose to temperatures normal in California these days of the year. The former nu-metal band (this genre is already dead for a long time) showed with the latest albums Diamond Eyes and Koi No Yokan they are still alive and kicking.
Opening act of the night is called Three Trapped Tigers, to be honest I did not check what this act was all about. Nonetheless they did leave a positive impression. Three Trapped Tigers is a three-piece act with a drummer, synths and a guitar. They create a modern psychedelic post-rock sound, which is hard to link to other bands. If you have to maybe Maserati or And So I Watch You From Afar.
The best part about tonight’s show was they way they managed to start in a mellow way and built up to an energetic show. By doing this, the reaction of the audience was also progressing during the show, which resulted in a quite focussed audience. It almost worked like being hypnotized, fun times and a band worth checking out. Their latest effort is called Numbers: 1-13 and is worth listening to.

With a mixture of old (‘Passenger‘ or ‘Change (in the house of flies)’) and new work (Diamond Eyes or ‘Rosemary’) basically every good song from every record is covered and time is flying by. Four things make this show outstanding; 1) the quality of the songs, 2) The variety in the song material, 3) The tightness of the band and 4) The extra layer in the back courtesy of sampler/keyboarder Frank Delgado. With this base it’s easy for front man Chino Moreno to express his lyrics (screaming or singing) in a natural way. He also takes the time to make contact with the fans. As said before this guy wants have a good time with the fans and nowhere has he felt he’s better as his crowd.
As encore they play ‘7 Words’. The venue explodes and everyone feels its 1995 again. After such a lot of years Deftones proved they are still on the rise with a mixture of new and old songs. How many bands still can say that?
Written on Thursday Sep 5th, 2013
Writer @Maurosis
Tags: #deftones #three trapped tigers #nu-metal #alternative metal #013 #tilburg,
Writer @Maurosis
Tags: #deftones #three trapped tigers #nu-metal #alternative metal #013 #tilburg,
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