We Are The Others has been the third album by Delain and due to some label issues it has had a quite problematic cycle. Nonetheless the band found a new home with Napalm Records and released a compilation of exclusive material and bonus content entitled Interlude earlier this year. Tonight was supposed to be the night to close this period and start their next adventure. Before the show masks were handed out to people not yet wearing them and there was a big white curtain in front of the stage. After a short intro and shadows of band members projected on this canvas the curtain drops and the show is on its way.
The almost two hour performance showed the capabilities of the band and the experience they have gathered over time. With Charlotte Wessels being at the focus of attention she non stop interacts with the audience asking them to cheer, clap and sing along. Sometimes this even becomes a bit annoying but the crowd does not seem to care to much about this.

In a sold out Patronaat Delain could not have wished for a better end to this album cycle. The crowd keeps cheering long after the band leaves the stage and afterwards the bands join their fan base for a long signing session. Now the fans just have to wait on the next Delain album which should be release somewhere in 2014.
Written on Saturday Nov 9th, 2013
Writer @Buzzin Hornet
Tags: #delain #masquerade #patronaat #haarlem #we are the others
Writer @Buzzin Hornet
Tags: #delain #masquerade #patronaat #haarlem #we are the others
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