Stoma - Delicious Shit In Tilburg
It was time for me to visit a very disgusting show again. I could easily say I really needed it because of some troubles lately. The show was held in my favourite bar, the little devil, for free and had 4 dirty bands to offer. Xtortion, WishYouWereDead were bands I never heard of before, but it is always funny to see Anal Penetration mastered by Nydoom again. I also yearned for the almighty Stoma, who were headlining this delicious event.
As I said, I have never heard of this band before and quite expected anything. I was told this band played groovy death metal with some grind influences, so I checked it out. The music was indeed very death metalish, with many slow tempo parts and some outstanding headbang riffs. The sound however was totally fucked, because somewhere during the show, the amplification for the bass drum thought it wasn’t needed anymore and started to protest, which was quite heavy for the ears. Peto, the soundman fixed it though, but the bass drum was gone for most of the bands. The guitar riffs had some touches to Bolt Thrower but after a few songs I was slightly bored. I would like to see this band again with better sound.
Another brutal dutch act which I never have heard of before and I’m glad I did tonight! The music had extremely fast grindcore parts and was variegated with superb mosh parts. I found some references to bands like Despised Icon and Ion Dissonance but with an own sound. The sound was still fucked up, so I really would like to see this band again. I was quite impressed!
Yes, finally some ultimate shit sprawled over the people in the Little Devil. The inflated whore was being tossed around again and total carnage was going out the speakers. He played many familiar songs and had the little devil banging on its fundament. I cannot say I remember any titles, but what the heck, just listen to this shit. For people not familiar with AxPx, let me give you a little description. Small stage, one dude with 2 mics, a guitar, a computer and an inflated doll, which is introduced as the drummer. The music is extremely violent and reaches astonishing high bpm’s (beats per minute) This sound combined with pitched growling, high screaming, low grunting and nice guitar parts gives you Anal Penetration! I was amused again, especially when Nydoom was obviously too fucking drunk to read his setlist and when the encore consisted of nothing but a drunk dude sitting on the stage with a screaming guitar next to him. Yes, total chaos!
These guys must have drove some hours to come to this venue. They are from Heerenveen, Friesland and play some nice fucked up gore grind. The setlist was well-known to me, but they played 2 new songs. The new album was due somewhere next year, when they feel like it but these two songs were finished. I don’t remember the titles, but I remember that they sounded like oblivion! Interesting riffs and nice bridges with some ultimate hoempa riffs. People who don’t know this band and like gore grind, just listen to their record Scat Aficionados and visit their website, although I can’t imagine a gore grind fan that doesn’t know Stoma.