Dry Kill Logic, Why She Kills, Chiraw - The first Dutch show ever!!!
Finally, six years since their debut album Dry Kill Logic made their first appearance ever in The Netherlands. And since I stalked every single crewmember that likes them to death to go there, me and Buzzin Hornet travelled that horrific distance to De Lantaarn in Hellendoorn, to witness this act.

Surprise of the night was metalcore formation Chiraw (Chi:Vital Energy and Raw). These guys have been creating music for less than a year but sound truly promising. With a small but impressive front man the band creates a violent atmosphere in a venue where only 40 people are watching the show. The combination of technical fast parts and even sometimes some �Textures moments� both Demondust and I were pleased. The only comment we got on their set is that the guys need to get more control over their instruments and that the vocalist looses grip on his tone every now and then. You hear a mistake too often during the set. Just remember this band has been around for less than a year and they got a long way in front of them. Just give these guys a listen, but realize the promo tracks are low budget recordings. These guys sounds brutal live! (Buzzin Hornet)

Why She Kills
Titties!!!! Four of them! Great, one would say. But, yes there is a but (add another t to that word and this review becomes even more sexist, ow how mature is this piece of literature!), both girls were holding microphones and tried to sing in it. Now although I would unquestionably have sex with both of them if my girlfriend would never find out (now I�m in trouble!), they sucked!! And not in the way I would want them to. One of the girls sang out of key like 90 percent of the time, and the other packed a powerless grunt that sounded like what I did on the toilet earlier this day. Besides this, the songwriting was ridiculous. Transmissions between pieces weren�t there, and the riffs they played were as boring as Submarine Day on National Geographic Channel. And besides that one of the guitarists had a faint resemblance to Tom Araya I have nothing positive to say at all. Well, I can say titties again of course. Titties!!! (DemonDust)

Dry Kill Logic
It was time for the reason we travelled so many miles, Dry Kill Logic. I had only heard their new album Of Vengeance And Violence in the car on the way, so that was a bit of a pity because they played quite some tracks of that. Most material was from The Dead And Dreaming record, that I know reasonably well, and I believe only three or four songs were from the debut The Darker Side Of Nonsense that I must have heard hundreds of times. The band stood as a house, and so did their sound. Every aspect of the music could be heard perfectly, and the vocals (clean and screams) were executed as they sound on the records. There is nothing really special to mention (if you don�t count the roadie coming on stage with a safari hat on), just a great last show of the tour, that lasted way too short. I believe it was somewhere around 45 minutes, that they played, and after the legendary song �Rot� they left me craving for more. I just hope that after this time they will get more opportunities to play our country, but in bigger cities with more metal loving people in and around it. (DemonDust)
It was time for the reason we travelled so many miles, Dry Kill Logic. I had only heard their new album Of Vengeance And Violence in the car on the way, so that was a bit of a pity because they played quite some tracks of that. Most material was from The Dead And Dreaming record, that I know reasonably well, and I believe only three or four songs were from the debut The Darker Side Of Nonsense that I must have heard hundreds of times. The band stood as a house, and so did their sound. Every aspect of the music could be heard perfectly, and the vocals (clean and screams) were executed as they sound on the records. There is nothing really special to mention (if you don�t count the roadie coming on stage with a safari hat on), just a great last show of the tour, that lasted way too short. I believe it was somewhere around 45 minutes, that they played, and after the legendary song �Rot� they left me craving for more. I just hope that after this time they will get more opportunities to play our country, but in bigger cities with more metal loving people in and around it. (DemonDust)
Written on Tuesday Nov 21st, 2006
Writer @DemonDust
Tags: #Dry Kill Logic #Why She Kills #Chiraw
Writer @DemonDust
Tags: #Dry Kill Logic #Why She Kills #Chiraw
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