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Sinister, Kutschurft, Led Astray - 15 Minutes of Sinister
Friday the sixteenth of February I decided not to go to Aborted’s release party, but to check out two bands from Utrecht (NL), Led Astray and Kutschurft, with headliner Dutch death metal fathers Sinister. So I travelled to De Peppel in Zeist just so you guys could read how both shows were, how nice of me!
Opener this evening was Led Astray which played a tight set of death metal, combined with thrashing parts. The riffs were often moderate technical like Dying Fetus and they also had those abrasive parts which are so destructive. These abrasive parts were the band’s strongest points because it fitted the gesture and low grunts of the singer best. No ultra fast blast beats for Led Astray and blast beats didn’t occur often; instead they prefer to throw in a thrash rhythm and riff which didn’t always work out well, but overall they brought a decent show.
When Kutschurft started to play it was as if they were headlining this night. The venue was well crowded, the vibe was very good and a moshpit started immediately from the first note. Kutschurft plays grinding death metal wrapped in gore lyrics and themes. All their lyrics are Dutch; I won’t translate them because then it wouldn’t make any sense anymore; let's just say that they are disgusting but in a way that they only can be seen as hilarious. Dutch readers really should visit their site and go through some lyrics! Although having a good laugh seems to be the number one goal of this band, they also kick ass musically! That’s not so surprising when you consider that Mike Ferguson from Detonation plays guitar and George Oosthoek, who singed in Orphanage and now in Pleurisy, is on drums. I believe they still had the same masks and outfits as some years ago and this will probably, together with the concept of the band, never change. For non-Dutch people the music might not be sufficient to really thrill them, but for Dutch guys this is the ultimate mix of music and humour, which especially live entertains superb!
“What?! Where did the whole crowd go all of a sudden?” was my first thought when Sinister was gearing up. As I checked the time I realised that I had to catch my bus in about 15 minutes, so most people probably left because they travelled by public transport. I just don’t understand why this isn’t taken into account when the playing schedule is being made. Another reason for the little amount of audience would probably be that there were a lot of young people this night and Sinister isn’t the “hottest” thing around anymore. I certainly enjoyed my 15 minutes of Sinister, because these guys are making sincere, pure death metal since 1986 and with a song like ‘Grey Massacre’ from their latest album, they still manage to write kick-ass headbanging songs. The short time that I could see them was a real disappointment of a further awesome night.