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Baroness, Kylesa - Crowded, Hot and Massive Sludge
In the small Batcave in the 013 I was up for an evening of sludge. The show was sold-out so it became really crowded and muggy, but that couldn’t spoil this evening.
The sludge metal of Kylesa unfortunately didn’t come across well due to the terrible sound. Kylesa has two drummers and I guess that the guitars had to be on such a high volume to exceed the drum volume that the small venue caused the sound to become real blurry. Too bad, because the alternation of singing by the guitar- and bass players seemed to work well, and the sounds that I could distinct in the blurriness sounded very strong and grooving. Lets check them out again an other time and hope the sound will be better.

Just a few weeks before this show I got my hands on a copy of Baroness’ last year released debut, The Red Album. Now that sounds like a title for a classic album eh? I’m not yet sure it is, but it’s a fact that this is one of the best sludge releases I heard in years. They didn’t open really surprising by simply beginning with the two first songs of their record, but what the heck. These guys know how to get a well balance between heavy low parts and really fantastic guitar melodies, while constantly building up the song with stronger and stronger layers. Fortunately the sound was a lot better than with Kylesa and I was very happy with the excellent vocal capabilities of John Baizly, who proved that he had no troubles with the clean vocals. It was an excellent show and lets hope that they will play a bigger venue the next time around.

Picture by:
Relapse Records / PI Picture Improvement / Wim Pletzers