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Dream Theater - Ahoy
[i]I didn�t go here because I�m a big Dream Theater fan, but just because I wanted to see these guys play those amazingly difficult riffs and stuff. An evening with Dream Theater it was called and so it would be. Three hours of the most complicated melodic metal on the planet. Hit me![/i] Immediately when they started I noticed that the sound of Ahoy sucked, well, at least for this time. I could see John Myung do all kinds of too freaky shit on his bass, but I didn�t hear jack shit when the rest of the band was playing. Big bummer, because I play bass myself. To continue, the vocals were to loud, which is a real disaster in my opinion because I�m not too crazy about James LaBrie�s singing, especially in these days (I heard he�s getting worse with every tour) I don�t like high vocals, so I don�t like James LaBrie, but Dream Theater has long instrumental parts, so James isn�t around that much. And every time John Petrucci let his guitar ring, it was hell having a party in my ears. Now for the good parts. The drum solo for instance, was one of the greatest ever witnessed by my eyes. This guy, who has got three bassdrums and snare�s, like 20 toms, I don�t know how many crashes and other metal things to hit on, and he hit everything while using two drum seats, pulled of an incredible drumsolo. Fucking amazing. Even more amazing, when the man behind the keys and the guitarist played exactly the same ultrafast solo at the same time for a couple of minutes. Impressive. They also played a really weird rhythm with four men at the same time, all very impressive. I hardly can�t remember any songs they�ve played, just that they played two songs of Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence, Through Her Eyes and a Pink Floyd cover of which I forgot the name again. The show had a break in the middle, and I do remember that they played Opeth�s Damnation album during that break. They gave two encore�s, but we left during the second one. The day after we heard that they played for another 20 minutes, so they played even more than three hours. Well, in the end I was really impressed by their musical capabilities, but a bit bored actually. The bad sound of Ahoy combined with the long instrumental parts just was to much for me, and at the end I was yawning so much that I couldn�t even drink my beer anymore. Which was really expensive by the way, like �2.20 I believe. Ridiculous. Ah well, another legendary band to add to my list. [b]Review By DemonDust[/b]