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Negurã Bunget, Control Human Delete - Unorthodox black metal
The Romanian experimental black metal outfit Negura Bunget recently passed by through our tiny country, so I felt obligated to go check out their unique sound and live performance. Support came from the Dutch outfit Control Human Delete.
Not the most conventional of black metal bands either, Control Human Delete has no drummer but only beats and samples. In the style of cold and dark black metal of course. I have always been curious about seeing this band live (our ex-reviewer Arcane once was a member of these guys as well) and I must say it was a fun experience. The coldness of the electronics combined with the typical black metal guitar sound worked pretty well. It’s just that after a couple of songs the trick sort of gets old, especially when you decide to play for about fifty minutes when you’re the opening band. Still I recommend you to check this band out if you’re looking for a different sound in black metal.
Headliners Negurã Bunget are something even more different. They use elements of ambient music, Romanian folk and creative song structures to play their black metal. Indigenous instruments like a giant horn, a xylophone, a flute and more weird stuff is mixed in the music very naturally, creating dreamy ambiances combined with some of the most creative and technical black metal I’ve encountered. It’s a real treat for the ears and eyes because they do so many things you’re not really used to hearing from a black metal band. The intense melodies produced by the guitars and keyboards really grab you into the song and keep your attention for the full show. Nothing but positive. And considering they are already confirmed for next year's edition of the Roadburn festival I expect a lot more to come from this band. Keep an eye out for these Romanians!