Vinterriket - Lichtschleier
People who only like one music genre are pretty rare these days. And even this particular genre can be influenced by different styles of music. It doesn’t happen a lot that musicians come up with something that’s totally original. That some of them still try, or at least experiment, is a good thing. If the music is too…that’s the question.
CZ is one of these musicians. In 1996 he started a one man project under the name of Vinterriket. But CZ didn’t get inspired by a music style or genre. Not even close. Vinterriket’s music is only influenced by the dark side of Mother Nature.
I received 2 albums called Lichtschleier and Und Die Nacht Kam Schweren Schrittes. The first one includes only nature sounds. Now you probably think that that sounds relaxing….. Well, it doesn’t! To me it’s only depressing. And that’s exactly how the bio describes Vinterriket’s music; melancholic, depressive dark ambient.
The song ‘Horizonte Der Sterblichtkeit’ reminded me a little bit of the X-files tune. Yet I’d prefer the X-files tune above both Vinterriket albums. They contain only sounds, no music. And not even defined soundings. It are just reflections of a storm or a howling wind with some monotone background sound.
The second album, Und Die Nacht Kam Schweren Schrittes is likely the same. It varies only in that the songs contain more melody. I still wouldn’t call them songs. Unless this fruityloop crap sounding jingle would make the difference. Funny thing is that one of the selling points of these albums is that both of them got remastered. So I guess it’s on purpose that these albums sound like crap? Another selling point is the so called ‘complete new lay-out’. As you can see the artwork above, it is just a vague black mess. Yeah, they’re right about one thing…it’s depressing.
Another good thing is, as CZ explicit says in his bio, is that he makes music only for himself and nobody else! So, I’d figure out that this is my time to release the Demondust in me and to destroy these records....but I’ll leave that up to the one and only demolisher. I think I already made my point.
Love Maurits
30/1001Details Displeased Records
Released on Sunday Jan 28th, 2007
Dark Ambient
Writer @Maurits on Tuesday Mar 6th, 2007
Tags: #Vinterriket
album 1: Lichtschleier
1 Im Augenblick Der Nacht
2 Nebelwand
3 Momente Schierer Dunkelheit
4 Lichtschleier
5 Horizonte Der Sterblichkeit
6 Illusion Des Eises
7 Lichtschleier (VIDEO)
Album 2 ...und die Nacht kam Schweren Schrittes
1 Boten der R�ckkehr
2 Visionen n�chtlicher Fluten
3 Im Sog der Feuer Des Schicksals
4 Kosmische Schattenspiele
5 Raben �ber dem Grab der Vollendung
6 Die Ruinen des Jenseits
7 ... z�ruck blieb nur die ewige Schw�rze
1 Im Augenblick Der Nacht
2 Nebelwand
3 Momente Schierer Dunkelheit
4 Lichtschleier
5 Horizonte Der Sterblichkeit
6 Illusion Des Eises
7 Lichtschleier (VIDEO)
Album 2 ...und die Nacht kam Schweren Schrittes
1 Boten der R�ckkehr
2 Visionen n�chtlicher Fluten
3 Im Sog der Feuer Des Schicksals
4 Kosmische Schattenspiele
5 Raben �ber dem Grab der Vollendung
6 Die Ruinen des Jenseits
7 ... z�ruck blieb nur die ewige Schw�rze
Line up
Christoph Ziegler - All instruments&vocals