Electric Eel Shock - Transworld Ultra Rock
Whenever Electric Eel Shock are in town, I grab my coat and bike and head for the boxoffice ensured of a great night. These tiny Japanese rockers have always been a great live experience. Without ever releasing anything remotely eyebrow raising on record or cd, these guys have always made me smile through the sheer fun they are having on stage. Anyone who's ever seen EES live can attest: it's a very enfectuous live performance.
But there, I said it already. This is a live band. On cd the group can't transend the optimistic and often funny live experience. But then, that would be mission impossible. The accents and slightly silly lyrics ('Give me suicide, rock and roll') that are a plus on stage suddenly sound very flat or even annoying on cd. And once again on Transworld Ultra Rock (what the fuck does that even mean?) we hear a nothing more than a moderate collection of seventies hardrock sung in tacky english.
In end I couldn't give a fuck. Because I know songs like 'Big Mistake' ('I made a beeg meestakah!') and 'Kill The Weekend' (Keel! Keel! Befow I Keel You!) will work when performed live. Guitars will fly all over the stage and singer Akihito Morimito will shout 'Kampai'. What more do you need.
Maybe that's what this is, an aperitive for a hangover I'm going to have the next time the Electrics are back in town for a night of pure rock entertainment.
69/1001Details Suburban
Released on Tuesday Oct 2nd, 2007
Wock n Woll
Writer @Lex on Wednesday Oct 24th, 2007
Tags: #Electric Eel Shock
01 I Can't Hear You
02. Big Mistake
03. Dice De Try!
04. Joe
05. Joe II
06. Kill The Weekend
07 War
08 Transamerica Ultra Rock
09 Limousine
10 Baby
11 All My Music
12 Lovin' You
02. Big Mistake
03. Dice De Try!
04. Joe
05. Joe II
06. Kill The Weekend
07 War
08 Transamerica Ultra Rock
09 Limousine
10 Baby
11 All My Music
12 Lovin' You
Line up
Guitar & Vocals: Akihito Morimoto
Bass: Kazuto Maekawa
Drums: Tomoharu 'Gian' Ito
Bass: Kazuto Maekawa
Drums: Tomoharu 'Gian' Ito