Destroy Destroy Destroy - Battle Sluts
Destroy Destroy Destroy is an American melodic death/power-metal band, which is recently trying to conquer the world with melodic metal music. Although they already started out in 2003, this is just their second full length album. Their debut album Devour The Power is from the year 2006.
On this second album, Destroy Destroy Destroy brings us their own brand of melodic death/power-metal, with hints of metalcore. Some bands that instantly come to mind are 3 Inches Of Blood, At The Gates, In Flames and Darkest Hour. Especially the use of eerie sounding keyboards, war battle samples, serene female vocals and film-music intros with horns, give it sometimes a bit of a Battle/Viking-metal feel to it. Also the use of some unusual black metal riffing on some of the songs, give it a bit of variety.
The album starts off with a massive, epic sounding intro, which easily could have been used for Manowar or a Lord Of The Rings movie. After that the albums bursts out into a fury off crunchy, melodic death/power-metal riffs. On some songs they pretty much nail it, but on some songs it just sounds a bit too much copied of the Scandinavian heroes of At The Gates, Dark Tranquility or In Flames.
The third song called ‘Realm Of Ancient Shadows’ opens up with a great catchy riff filled with leads and after a minute it bursts into a full on battle shout-along metal song. Their vocalist Chris Bazor also has a remarkably high resemblance with the vocalist of 3 Inches Of Blood, but maybe with a little bit more of a raspy black-metal throat thrown into it. Also the song ‘The Wretched Forrest’ shows us that this band knows how to write a full on blasting heavy death-metal song. This song is by far the heaviest one on the album. The album ends with a song that they recorded when they were totally shit-faced drunk. It’s a battle-field anthem shouted by a drunken band, singing how they will conquer the world and rule on the battlefield and fuck some battle sluts! Yeah, right.
Overall Destroy Destroy Destroy is an OK, OK, OK band. They know what they are doing and they do it good, but somehow it kind of lacks just the little extra to be a mind-blowing band.
67/1001Details Blackmarket
Released on Thursday Oct 1st, 2009
Melodic Death / Power Metal
Writer @RoyBalowski on Sunday Jan 10th, 2010
Tags: #Destroy Destroy Destroy
01. The Second Coming
02. Battle Upon The Artic Plains
03. Beyond The Scorpion Gate
04. Realm Of Ancient Shadows
05. Born Of Thunder
06. To Die Without Honor (interlude)
07. The Winged Panther
08. The Wretched Forrest
09. The Berserker's Field Of Whores
10. Agents Of Hypocrisy
11. Return Of The Geishmal Undead
12. Battle Slut Drinking Song
02. Battle Upon The Artic Plains
03. Beyond The Scorpion Gate
04. Realm Of Ancient Shadows
05. Born Of Thunder
06. To Die Without Honor (interlude)
07. The Winged Panther
08. The Wretched Forrest
09. The Berserker's Field Of Whores
10. Agents Of Hypocrisy
11. Return Of The Geishmal Undead
12. Battle Slut Drinking Song
Line up
Chris Bazor - vocals
Jeramiah Scott - guitar
Adam Phillips - bass
Brian Shorter - keyboards
Way Barrier - guitar
Andrew Core - drums
Jeramiah Scott - guitar
Adam Phillips - bass
Brian Shorter - keyboards
Way Barrier - guitar
Andrew Core - drums