Peter Pan Speedrock - Lucky Bastards
Eindhoven. It used to be that this industrial working class city was only known for light bulbs, trucks and an ugly as hell football stadium. Nowadays, in the alternative world of rock n roll anyway, we know Eindhoven as Eindhoven Rock City, the place where most of the good sleazy rock bands come from. 7zuma7, Candybar Planet, The Spades, and of course the one dutch Rock band that is slowly moving on from the Underground rock scene towards a cult and legend status: Peter Pan Speedrock, formaly known as Peter Pan. After the massive succes that followed after the release of the last full length record 'Premium Quality.. Serve Loud', the anticipation towards a new record grew rapidly. The fans can start their beer drinking once again, with their new record titled 'Lucky Bastards'.
I must admit, though I have never felt atrackted to the whole scene that evolves around this band and it's followers, but the music has always satisfied my musical needs, and nomatter where they play, be it support for Motorhead or their hometown's stage De Effenaar, you always get the undisputed feeling this band is big, and is only going to get bigger as they will be around for ever. Watching these three guys perform suggests you are witnessing something special, and not to be taken lightly.
Enough of that ass kissing talk, who cares what I think of the band, it's the record we're talking about here. First of all let me state that I'm slightly disapointed by the material. Though the songs sound like you'd expect from these three Rock Psycho's, the record seems to lack real songs. Anthemic songs such as Ressurection, Big Toy, Sunny Side Up and Donkey Punch are missing out a bit. I get the feeling the band felt the need to show their Rock N Roll attitude sound more then writing totally ass kicking material.
But let's not over-react, the disc is once again produced in a profesional way and let's you enjoy it's full sleazy yet smooth sound we heard on 'Premium Quality' and to lesser extent 'Killer Machine', it's is nice to play a couple of times back-to-back and sounds like a nice sunny Highway classic soundtrack. The 34 minutes this disc is filled with, sounds like one big roadmovie, where you are resting with your bud's on a Arizona highway drinking your beer in de burning sun. The creaky guitar sound topped over the thumping drumsound is excellent and Peter's voice is in top shape, as ever I must say.
Let's talk through the songs, the Disc contains two instrumental tracks, Surfwrecker and Smokin Ass (featuring good old Dikke Dennis screaming and yelling like his ass is on fire indeed), both representing the Roadmovie feeling I explained earlier on. Following this opening track, is the song most of the PPS fans heard on the internetsite of the band a couple of weeks ago: Go Satan Go, a track that is one my personal favorites of this album, one that is the easiest to compare to any 'Premium Quality' song, nice anthem, nice chorus, great feeling. After that the comparison stops. Killerspeed sounds nice, but a bit anonymous to me. Nice Guitar riff though. Opening with a chunking Bass line is Back In The City, probably about the return of Peter Pan to the Brabant surroundings, which sounds like an excellent party track for the live shows. Following this song is the track dedicated to the Speedrock Hooligans, a.k.a. Peter Pan's loyal fans, titled Knuckleboys. A song that will be sang along like mad by the PPS heads I can imagine. Dead End is one of my least favorite songs off the new cd, one of the slower tracks. Twist Of Fate is rough and dirty and reminds me of tracks like Kings Of Speed. Black Beauty '69 won't win the beauty peagant for best rock song Peter Pan ever wrote, but sounds nice enough. It somehow does reprasent the versatility of this band, mid tempo rock songs with nice anthem. What would a Peter Pan Speedrock Album be without titles such as Always Drunk, Always Loud, Always Right!? This is my favorite song off Lucky Bastards along with Go Satan Go. Like the guitar solo, definitly! Lone Star City is once again quite a lesser interesting song, i reckon it to damn average for a Peter Pan record, but Lucky Bastards, with it's slow guitar intro and mid-tempo thumping drums by Bart, sounds much better. Nice lyrics, I mean if you can eford writing "I'm the luckies man alive, I party when I work, ain't working for no boss, and every day by day freedom is my course" you are one fucking Lucky Bastard indeed! Admit you are jealous of these fellas! Closing the fourth major Peter Pan release is the song Bitch On Wheels, is a mid tempo ending to a mainly midtempo record.
Conclusion: not what I expected, and maybe that is actually one of the positive things about it. It might not attrackt to me for a full 100 percent, that doesn't mean it's a bad album. I must emphasise that it IS a good record, the overall sound and atmosphere it radiates is cool and sunny, but to me it just isn't the big rock classic I hoped for. One of the lesser interesting Peter Pan Speedrock albums, but still a nice album! Should you buy it? Yes, why not? Like I know music, right?
79/1001Details Suburban / Bertus
Released on Tuesday Nov 30th, -0001
Writer @Lex on Thursday May 20th, 2004
Tags: #Peter Pan Speedrock
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