Skip The Rush - Setting the new standard in rock got invited for the CD release party of Dutch rockstars-on-the-rise Skip The Rush. The band lived up to the expectations. In a packed Melkweg in Amsterdam the crowd went bananas!
The opening band on this evening was Vorago. The band plays spun out emo-rock. Though the musicians in the band have talent, the music didn’t appeal to me. The songs were too long and failed to keep my attention. Some parts were instantly catchy, but unfortunately didn’t get worked out to nice songs.
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Next up was Maladjusted. A punk pop band with high potential. Four young dudes with the right skills, right looks and the right attitude. The crowd was definitely loving their melodic punk rock songs. Real songs, that is. The band consists of two guitarists (one of which is the lead vocalist, the other one does backing vocals), a bass player (also doing some vocals) and a drummer. The thing that I liked most is: all of those three guys can actually sing! The only thing that sort of bothered me about this band was the style of the drummer. He tended to choose up-tempo rock rhythms over up-tempo punk rhythms (NOFX style). Whereas the songs in my opinion would be far more dynamic and aggressive with up-tempo punk rhythms. I know he can do it, because he ended with a raging first class drum solo. But that’s just a personal remark, the audience was eating out of their hands. So if you like punk rock, go check this band out!
Then finally it was time for the band we came for. Before they got to play their set, it was time for a little surprise. Three big video screens premiered the video clip for the single ‘Elephant Song’. It was a really professionally looking video, which a great song like ‘Elephant Song’ totally deserves. The people in the venue cheered as loud as they could to show their delight. The video clip ended, the curtains went aside and Skip The Rush kicked in with the first song. What an energy, what a stage presence singer Jaap Warmenhoven proved to be. Though he truly moves and acts like rockstar, he never loses sight of the music. Killer songs like ‘Chaperone’, ‘By The Book’ and ‘Eye White’ were all performed with great display of technical skills and musicianship. With every song played, the audience got more and more ecstatic. The band visibly enjoyed the show and Jaap thanked everyone who came to see them play. After a set full of emotion, playing joy and musical highlights the band went backstage again. Everybody craved and screamed for an encore.
Producer Mike Stewart came walking up the stage and after a short speech, officially handed over the new CD ‘All Is Fit For Tonight’ to the band. The band had three more songs in reserve and concluded the show with the song ‘Good Or God’. If that choice is up to me: this band isn’t just good. They are the new Gods of the Dutch rock scene.
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